Music plays an integral part in our culture. Whether it's managing artists that have a unique style of music or supporting brands with our Music Library services. Music is our passion, it's what we do to the highest of standards.
Six new MCs. One amazing opportunity. Rap legends DJ Target, Krept and Konan hunt for the next big MC to take over the scene.
Appearing across billboards and the internet, #myroots will tell the stories of Creators and Artists as they celebrate their Afro-Caribbean roots.
You’ll see much-loved Creators like singer/songwriter Cat Burns (@catburnss), content creator and football freestyler Jeremy Lynch (@jeremylynchofficial), personality and queer creator Lily Rose (@itslilyrose) and more!
Appearing now on billboards across the country - #ThisIsBlack - our new advertising campaign spotlights nine Black creators throughout October and November. Featuring much-loved figures and black trailblazers @djkrystallake, @thegrubworkskitchen, @itsjustnifee, @_ehiz, @lukevernon_ , @scarysappho, @bonbonod14, @kaynekawasaki, @benjy_lookbook and @itsjustnifee #ThisIsBlack highlights many elements of Black culture on TikTok, ranging from history and fashion, through to food and comedy. Look out for them in London, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Nottingham and Sheffield from today!